Hints and recommendation

Dental Hygiene

Bad Breath

Patients with Anxiety


Our teeth, especially the enamel is the hardest substance in our body. Unfortunately, they can still be easily damaged. To reduce cavities and gum inflammation, preventive measures are a key element. Daily care of our own and our children’s teeth is crucial.

For Adults

  • Clean your teeth with a reliable toothpaste twice a day (preferably in the morning and in the evening). The higher the Relative-Dentin-Abrasion-value (RDA) of the toothpaste, the better they are getting cleaned. Even though, the teeth are also being grinded by the use of such a toothpaste. We are happy to assist you with your choice of toothpaste.
  • Don't forget to clean the interdental spaces. (With the use of interdental brushes or dental floss) Replace the toothbrush at least every three months. If you tend to brush rather strongly or have sensitive gum, use brushes with soft bristles.
  • Use mouth wash.
  • See your dental hygienist at least once or twice a year to professionally remove calculus

For Children

  • Start with tooth cleaning as soon as the first teeth are visible.

  • The teeth should be cleaned after every meal.
  • Use a specific toothpaste for children, which contains fluoride. Fluoride helps to strengthen the enamel and prevent growth of bacteria. But be careful: children tend to swallow a great amount of toothpaste. It is therefore equally important that the concentration of fluoride in the toothpaste is not too high. Click here to read a review about this subject.
  • Children between the age of 6 to 14, should see a dentist at least once a year.


There are millions of bacteria living inside of our mouth, which are the main cause of bad breath. These bacteria are part of our normal oral flora, everyone has it and everyone needs it. Out of non-conclusive reasons, (i.e. hormonal variations, use of certain medication, heredity), some people have a distinctly higher amount of these bacteria.The bacteria can survive without oxygen, therefore they are mainly found in areas where there is only little air. The highest amount of these bacteria can be found on the tongue, especially in the little immersions at the upper surface of the tongue. In order to eradicate bad breath, the use of a tongue cleaner is recommended.


Many people are frightened of the dentist, therefore tend to neglect their teeth. We have experience dealing with this problem so please discuss your concerns with us and we can help you overcome your fears and effectively help you.

Tips to help you get rid of your fear

  • Let the dentist explain precisely what is going to happen and what you have to expect.

  • If you don't understand everything, ask again. The more information you have, the less you will be scared.
  • With most people, the threshold of pain is at its lowest during the afternoon.
  • Bring music along that relaxes you (USB stick, iPod etc) or choose a relaxing sound from our sound library.
  • Distract yourself. Don't think of your fears. You can even distract yourself by watching a movie, which you can choose and watch during treatment.
  • Communicate with us, with the use of a special signal we agreed upon before treatment, so we can intercept treatment whenever you want us to.